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Just for Mom & Dad (and Oma & Opa too) who would like to promote their children's spiritual growth
This page offers links from different great resources
Tetapi Yesus memanggil mereka dan berkata: ”Biarkanlah anak-anak itu datang kepada-Ku, dan jangan kamu menghalang-halangi mereka, sebab orang-orang yang seperti itulah yang empunya Kerajaan Allah" Luk 18:16
Catholic Mom - Sunday Gospel Activities
Prayers & Resources for Children's Liturgy catechists and for families
Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) - Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation
Made for Life (video)
How to Take Young Children to Mass
Grandparents: Models, Mentors & Memory-makers
Pope Francis' First Message for Grandparents & the Elderly
Pope Francis' Second Message for Grandparents & the Elderly
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